Never Study Grammar

In my last article I told you not to study grammar, but you don’t want to make grammar mistakes when you are speaking!
In fact, by studying grammar you will make it harder for you to speak, because once you’re speaking you will think about grammar rules and this makes you very upset, and will also teach you to don’t speak unless your phrase is correct and this, of course, is the biggest mistake students do!
Studying grammar is very dangerous; the right way to learn grammar is to choose a method where you learn it without studying it, because if you study it you will never learn it!
Here, in this article, I will tell you about some of the right methods you can do to learn grammar easily and without studying it:
First of all if you’re studying grammar right now, stop doing it, and wait for about 2 to 3 weeks before you start leaning with the right method.
If you are joining an English school, you should stop immediately or go on with your school.
Before beginning, I’m going to ask you a question: what kind of books do you read??
Think about it in a few seconds or minutes and than go on reading.
To make easier for you to answer I’m going to give you some choices: grammar books, stories, novels, stories for children, vocabulary books, newspapers …etc
If your answer is one of these: grammar books, vocabulary books, my advice for you are to sell them to another person or throw them over the window.
If your answer is newspapers: my advice for you is to keep them away from you for a moment (6 months at least)
If your answer is novels, stories, stories for children: my advice is to continue reading them, they are great!
Now, I am going to explain more about this situation:
Grammar and vocabulary books are your enemy right now, you must learn to hate them as soon as possible, they both teach you to think ABOUT English Not to SPEAK English, and so they are useless!
They also spend you a lot of time, without any improvement, and they are also school’s materials so they are not good! You should learn to hate them.
Keep them away from you, don’t keep them in your house, and never again open a grammar book or vocabulary book, NEVER!
Grammar books teach you to think about English, and vocabulary books tell you to memorize word lists, and you can never do this!
In a real conversation (not in an exam or an E-mail or letter…etc) you don’t have the time to think about grammar rules or to remember words that’s why you need to learn them with a powerful method!
Newspapers are good but they are too difficult for you right now, you will use your dictionary more than one time if you read them, they are also difficult for native speakers so keep them away from you until you learn basic vocabulary, and to speak without thinking and grammar rules without studying them.
Finally, novels and stories are the best for you right now, they are easy to read so you don’t need a dictionary, even if there are some words you don’t now the meaning, you will understand them without using a dictionary and this helps you to get them deeper into your brain!
Even if both novels and stories are great for learning without studying, I do recommend novels for many raisons:
The first raison is because they are long, so, you read a difficult word more than one time, and this is a powerful way to learn vocabulary without memorizing, if you don’t understand a word just relax and continue reading without opening your dictionary, maybe the next time you will understand it.
By seeing the same word in different phrases you will learn it deeper into your brain without the need of a dictionary and this is very powerful!
Just because novels are long, you will get more familiar with the writer because each person has some words and repeats them. (Ex: read my articles and you will see that I have some words I repeat a lot, if you read a lot of my articles you will understand me 100%)
If you like the novels you are reading you will not feel that you are studying, so you need to choose novels you like before starting to read.
Farther in one of my articles, as a bonus, I’m going to give you some titles of great novels I recommend you to read, and I will even give you some chapters! I think you will enjoy them.
Another thing why novels are great is because they use real English NOT textbook English, and that’s what you need to learn!
You will read a lot of idioms, slangs, common phrases. In short: casual English!
You need to begin with easy novels and than go step by step to more and more difficult novels to improve.
So, without thinking that you are learning grammar or vocabulary, and having fun at the same time, you improve step by step to get to a great level in English!
NEVER STUDY GRAMMAR is a long article, but I just talked about one method, in the next articles, I will tell you about some other methods even easier and more powerful!
In this article, I just talked about reading novels; in the next articles you will see some miraculous methods!
If you followed each word I wrote in this article, you understood that I said:”if you read novels, you will get more familiar with the writer”
I’m asking you to read my articles and try to be more familiar with me, and try to recognize the words I use a lot, notice that I use a lot of !!!!!!!!
I’m waiting for your comments members as you did in my old websites!
See you next time, bye bye!

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