Repeat some English phrases

Welcome back! In this post we will talk a little bit about a specific action that English students should do in order to learn more vocabulary and to improve their pronunciation with English.

Maybe you've been already doing it, but I should talk about it!
Have you noticed that some days, you repeat some phrases alone?
If you did, I think these phrases are now deeper into your brain!

Yes, in this article I advice each English student to repeat some phrases without thinking, just to make them go deeper and you learn much much vocabulary doing so.

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Speak English with Fastest English

Every English student learning English through my lessons and articles may have noticed that I didn't write any posts since months! I'm sorry I got some personal work to do.

Fortunately, "Fastest way to speak English" is now coming back, I'm here to teach you a lot of learning English techniques in order to speak English fluently.

In fact, thanks to all English students how contacted me throw comments, email, facebook,...etc asking me to give more lessons and tricks to learn to speak English fluently with a good pronunciation.

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