In most instances, being a leader means going out on a limb when everyone else is playing it safe. It means visualizing something very different from the status quo and then working to bring that visualization to life. Many of us mistakenly believe that leadership equates to authority, which it does in some instances, but authority is not the goal of leadership. So what is the goal of leadership, you may ask? Well, the goal of leadership is to bring about change with the help of others, by having them buy into the necessity for, or the possibility of a new and more beneficial way of being. Leadership is about not only gathering cheerleaders (people who believe in your vision), but getting them to work with you to make that vision a realization.
Do you have a vision?
Do you see a change that needs to take place that can benefit society?
Are you wiling to take a stand for that change and speak to others in a passionate way about it, making them want to join your cause?
Are you willing to be responsible for this change occurring in the world?
If you can answer yes to all of these questions, you have great potential to become a leader, however you are not one yet, because you yet to action where your resolve can be tested.
Taking action is essential to leadership. Many of us have brilliant ideas for new and exciting ways to do things, but often times these ideas stay locked away in our minds. Leaders can't do that. Leaders have to shout their vision to the mountain top. Leaders have to be heard, whether it be through the use of persistence, determination, will, or a combination of the three, especially when few want to hear what they have to say. In many instances, leaders have to overcome struggles, resistance, and hostility towards their ideas, as news ideas tend to upset the status quo. Are you strong enough to fight against the resistance to make your vision a reality? As a leader, your resolve will be tested until your ideas are accepted by the targeted community. Are you ready and willing? If not, don't fret, many people choose not to be leaders because the don't want the fight. Are you one of them?
The following are some people, who have the same DNA make-up as you, but who chose to take on the fight to make their vision a reality.
The battle tested social activist who speaks out for equal rights.
The newly elected politician who is fighting corruption in his/her district.
The upstart entrepreneur who is challenging the industry leader with a better designed product.
The poor single mother trying to keep her son out of street gangs.
The young woman who is working hard in law school so she can one day be the first female President of the United States.
All of these individuals have positive visions for the future, and all them are in action even though they may face difficult obstacles during their journey to realize their vision.
This is what leadership is though. This is what you need to know if you choose to be a leader.
Do you have a vision?
Do you see a change that needs to take place that can benefit society?
Are you wiling to take a stand for that change and speak to others in a passionate way about it, making them want to join your cause?
Are you willing to be responsible for this change occurring in the world?
If you can answer yes to all of these questions, you have great potential to become a leader, however you are not one yet, because you yet to action where your resolve can be tested.
Taking action is essential to leadership. Many of us have brilliant ideas for new and exciting ways to do things, but often times these ideas stay locked away in our minds. Leaders can't do that. Leaders have to shout their vision to the mountain top. Leaders have to be heard, whether it be through the use of persistence, determination, will, or a combination of the three, especially when few want to hear what they have to say. In many instances, leaders have to overcome struggles, resistance, and hostility towards their ideas, as news ideas tend to upset the status quo. Are you strong enough to fight against the resistance to make your vision a reality? As a leader, your resolve will be tested until your ideas are accepted by the targeted community. Are you ready and willing? If not, don't fret, many people choose not to be leaders because the don't want the fight. Are you one of them?
The following are some people, who have the same DNA make-up as you, but who chose to take on the fight to make their vision a reality.
The battle tested social activist who speaks out for equal rights.
The newly elected politician who is fighting corruption in his/her district.
The upstart entrepreneur who is challenging the industry leader with a better designed product.
The poor single mother trying to keep her son out of street gangs.
The young woman who is working hard in law school so she can one day be the first female President of the United States.
All of these individuals have positive visions for the future, and all them are in action even though they may face difficult obstacles during their journey to realize their vision.
This is what leadership is though. This is what you need to know if you choose to be a leader.
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